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Challenge როგორ შევასრულო გახსნები ემბლემა  XP ჯილდოები
Hot Potato I Kill 5 enemies w/ thrown back grenades

Hot Potato II Kill 10 enemies w/ thrown back grenades
Car Bomb I Kill 5 enemies by destroying cars Boilermaker.jpg
Car Bomb II Kill 10 enemies by destroying cars
Backstabber Stab an enemy in the back with your knife
Shuriken.jpg 3000
Slow But Sure Kill an enemy while being stunned by a stun grenade StunGun.jpg Snowmobile.png 3000
Misery Loves Company Kill yourself & 1 enemy by cooking a grenade without throwing it Heart.jpg Emblem-chicken.jpg 3000
Ouch Kill an enemy with a rifle-mounted grenade launcher without detonation. (direct impact) NoobTuber.jpg Noob tuber.png 3000
Rival Kill the same enemy 5 times in a single match Rival.jpg Emblem-tf141.jpg 3000
Cruelty Kill an enemy, pick up his weapon, and then kill him again with his own weapon OMFG.jpg Emblem-abduction.jpg 3000
*Think Fast Finish an enemy off by hitting them with a frag grenade ThinkFast.jpg Emblem-league-grenade.jpg 3000
*Think Fast Stun Finish an enemy off by hitting them with a stun grenade ConcusiveBarrage.jpg Emblem-stop.jpg 3000
*Think Fast Flash Finish an enemy off by hitting them with a flashbang LightsOut.jpg Emblem-bulb.jpg 3000
*Return to Sender Kill an enemy by shooting their own explosive Backfire.jpg Emblem-biohazard.jpg 3000
*Blindfire Kill an enemy while you are still dazed by a flashbang Blindfire.jpg Emblem-xray.jpg 3000
*Hard Landing Kill an enemy that is in mid-air (can be done by shooting somebody who is climbing) SkeetShooter.jpg Launcher.png 3000
*Extreme Cruelty Kill every member of the enemy team without dying AllYourBase.jpg Emblem-humantrophy.jpg 3000
*Tango Down Kill every member of the enemy team
Emblem-umbracatervae.jpg 3000
*Counter MVP Kill the #1 player on the enemy team 10 times in a single match MVPAssassin.jpg Porter justice.jpg 3000

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