| როგორ შევასრულო
| გახსნები
| ემბლემა
| XP ჯილდოები
Free-for-all Victor I | Place top-3 in 3 Free-for-all matches | |
| 500
Free-for-all Victor II | Place top-3 in 5 Free-for-all matches | |
| 1000
Free-for-all Victor III | Place top-3 in 10 Free-for-all matches |
| | 2500
Team Player I | Win 5 Team Deathmatch matches | |
| 500
Team Player II | Win 15 Team Deathmatch matches | |
| 1000
Team Player III | Win 30 Team Deathmatch matches |
| | 2500
Search and Destroy Victor I | Win 5 Search and Destroy matches | |
| 500
Search and Destroy Victor II | Win 15 Search and Destroy matches | |
| 1000
Search and Destroy Victor III | Win 30 Search and Destroy matches |
| | 2500
MVP Team Deathmatch
| Play Team Deathmatch and get the top score overall
| 1000
Hardcore Team Player I | Win 1 Hardcore Team Deathmatch match | |
| 500
Hardcore Team Player II | Win 5 Hardcore Team Deathmatch matches | |
| 1000
Hardcore Team Player III | Win 15 Hardcore Team Deathmatch matches |
| | 2500
Sabotage Victor I | Win 5 Sabotage matches | |
| 500
Sabotage Victor II | Win 20 Sabotage matches | |
| 1000
Sabotage Victor III | Win 50 Sabotage matches |
| | 2500
*MVP Team Hardcore
| Win a Team Hardcore match with the top score
| 1000
*Bomb Down
| Kill a bomb carrier in Sabotage or Search and Destroy
| 1000
*Bomb Defender I | Kill 3 enemies while they are defusing the bomb | |
| 500
*Bomb Defender II | Kill 10 enemies while they are defusing the bomb |
| | 1000
*Bomb Prevention I | Kill 3 enemies while they are planting the bomb | |
| 500
*Bomb Prevention II | Kill 10 enemies while they are planting the bomb |
| | 1000
*Defuser I | Defuse 2 bombs | |
| 500
*Defuser II | Defuse 10 bombs |
| | 1000
*Last Man Standing
| Be the last man standing in Search and Destroy
*Saboteur I | Plant 2 bombs | |
| 500
*Saboteur II | Plant 10 bombs |
| | 1000